
Showing posts from September, 2019

Dear Teacher

Dear Beloved Teachers , who blessed me with so many amazing ' teachable moments ' as you loved to call them. (This is a shout out to all of the teachers who have made me feel super uncomfortable in the classroom) Thank you so much for leaving me out of EVERY single birthday celebration that has included food. It made me want to jump for joy and scream at the top of my lungs how happy I was! It made me feel SUPER special and warm and fuzzy all over. That cupcake looked super gross anyway. I especially loved when you would have me sit at my very own table ALL by myself (because I was brand new to the school and nobody wanted to sit with me at my egg free table). Oh wait! That's because EVERY treat you gave out contained some sort of egg product. Even the lollipop you gave my at the end of the school year. Good job, you ALMOST succeeded in killing me, but here I am blogging about my wonderful and magical moments🤗. I remember when you made us make skeletons out of nood...